Monday, April 21, 2014

Albany Center Gallery

This week we went to visit the Albany Center Gallery, they are a non-profit organization that shows local artists in the Mohawk Hudson region. Their goal is to promote contemporary visual art while helping local artists to make a name for themselves by engaging with the public in their area. This gallery takes credit for helping many artists to gain both national and international recognition.

I really like this black and white wedding photo by Tracey Buyce to be interesting because it seems to sum up so much about this father daughter relationship. It is titled "A Father's Love" which I think fits it perfectly.

These two pieces by Stephen Honicki were placed side by side, they are a pair that go together titled "Just Being Honest" and after reading the email the viewer can better understand the story of the man in the mirror. I found the picture very intriguing because you have to look very closely to see the frames within the picture. In each frame is a close up of a different persons face, and only the reflection of the man that I assume wrote the email that is next to the picture. This was my favorite piece out of the show because of how personal and revealing it gets with the email, combined with an intimate moment of this man looking at himself in the mirror. 

This piece is by Steven Fink and I think that it is either titled "iphone SX70#1253s" or that is the device that was used to take the picture. Either way I think that the title makes the picture more interesting to me. Especially because anyone can take a picture with an iphone but not everyone would be able to turn it into art. 

These two images are of the picture by Michael Farrell titled "Still I Look to Find A Reason to Believe". I took a close up of the bottom of the frame because I thought it was interesting that the title was messily written in pencil at the bottom of the picture. I like that it was placed there even though in a way it seems like somewhat of an afterthought. 

This series by Newbold Bohemia won first place for the Juror's Choice Award. This particular piece from the series was titled "Tea and Comfort". I found the series much more interesting once I learned that the person in each of these pictures is a man. We are never shown their face so we would have no reason to think that it isn't a woman but I like that there is that secret within each piece. 

This is a shot of the gallery. I think that it is in a great space because of the sunlight that it lets in along with its centrality in the town. I would think that because of its location it gets a good amount of publicity and visitors. 

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